Every Friday after work is my grocery shopping time. Hopefully I worked out and hit the gym enough during the week where Friday is a welcomed day off. Usually during my lunch hour at work, I go online and look at the ads for the three grocery stores I frequent...Whole Foods, Dave's Marketplace and good ole Super Stop and Shop.
A lot of people crack on Whole Foods and call it Whole Paycheck...I'll fully admit, for those of you who like your food, it's definitely the Four Seasons or Rolls Royce of grocery stores. Can I easily knock out $150 worth of groceries for two people..you bet! So, that's why I try and take 20 minutes, see what they have on sale, and plan a meal or two around it and shop smart. One thing I'm pretty consistent about, most of our meats and vegetables come from Whole Foods because of the selection and because their pledge of having meat that is anti-biotic and hormone free...plus I really like the meat counter...it's like a throw back to Sam's Butcher Shop in the Brady Bunch. I love to browse, see what's looking good, and pick exactly what I want.
But...another thing that people might not realize about Whole Foods....their kick ass online coupons.
Goto http://www.wholefoods.com/ or click here Whole Foods
I have a login username and password to save recipes and create shopping lists. You can also link your local store to the home page for easy accessibility to this week's sales and specials. But also...the top right hand corner there's an icon for COUPONS!
There's seldom a week I don't walk in there with my recyclable grocery bags under my arm and a sheet of paper like this in one of my mitts.
for example...this week there's a 75 cents off a 32oz Stoneyfield Yogurt, 50 cents off Whole Foods whole wheat pasta, 1$ off Garden of Eatin tortilla chips (my new favorite!), 1$ off two Larabars...we all know how I love those!
So, if you're all about eating right and buying quality food yet can't pass up a sale...here you go!
Tuesdays with Dorie BWD: Biscuits Rose
3 days ago
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