Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A life changing moment all because of a dvd from Netflix

Part of my wifely duties has been cooking Mr. Allan dinner and making him healthy. I consider us to be a little above average in this department. If you really take a look around at the people around you in everyday life, obesity is a problem. I'll give a big old shout out to Michelle Obama. I completely and utterly agree with her that childhood obesity is an epidemic. Our culture has almost made it ok to consider dinnertime sitting infront of the television while the family eats chicken nuggets and tater tots. If you take a peek at the average kid's lunchbox, it probably contains 75% processed stuff..consisting of oatmeal creme pies (sorry Little Debbie and Sara Lee), squeeze-able tube yogurt, and juice boxes full of sugar.

Mom's out there are probably smuggly saying...wait til she has kids. Well, I guess we'll just wait and see, but the thought of filling a child with sugar, processed chemicals, and other oils and fats to make my life easier instead of taking the time to plan out a healthy shopping list with healthy lunches and snacks, well, it's nothing but laziness in my book.

Onto the topic at hand...Mr. Allan and I are big netflix-ers....especially in the wintertime when it's dark at 4 and cold. There's nothing better than opening the mailbox and seeing your new red envelope. A recent rave we have is the documentary Food Inc.

This documentary was featured on Oprah. I started to watch the tivo-ed episode when I got home from the gym one night. It was on and I took chicken out of the fridge that I was making for dinner that night. Oprah started to show a clip about chicken farms. I started to watch and was forced to pause it. I knew if I watched, I wouldn't eat dinner that night.

Different Kentucky chicken farmers were interviewed. Two different farmers let cameras in. After the big wig chicken companies got word, one farmer decided not to do it, but the other allowed cameras in. They showed the chicken houses where chickens are raised. The chickens were fat and could barely stand. They sucked off an irrigation system which provided their liquid diet of hormones and antibiotics to grow them quicker with larger breasts. The conditions were deplorable. One farmer plucked up dead chickens and threw them into a tiny backhoe to bury them. They also showed a graphic of what a chicken in the 60's looked like and how it took a certain number of weeks to get the chicken to that size. Flash forward to today, where, with the help of antibiotics and hormones, they can grow a chicken bigger in a fraction of the time.

Even Mr. Allan, who, at first, I thought would kind of give me the eye or the who cares look..its chicken lady..hopped on the bandwagon. I can say, that since watching this documentary, there has only been antibiotic and hormone free meat in the Allan household. Gotta make Mr. Allan healthy and strong like bull.

Here's the trailer to the movie...highly recommended, both by the Mr. and Mrs.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this! You were definitely part of my reason for watching it and then switching to healthier eating - I hope others will jump on board too!
