Monday, August 20, 2012

Tortellini with Fresh Tomatoes and Corn and some other recipes using Fresh Tomatoes!

It's that time of year...where we are absolutely drowning in tomatoes. We're actually quite excited about it since our little 4 foot by 20 foot garden took a back seat this year. The weather's been weird for the past's either raining cats and dogs or so humid out I can't even bear the thought of drying my hair only to have it poof out all weird an hour later. We've have some bigger things going on and I just didn't get to put the time and effort into the garden that I normally do. That, coupled with the effort to not use any type of chemicals and pesticides...the garden took a bit of a might look a little sad, but it's been producing a decent amount! I think we picked over 10 lbs of tomatoes in the past 2 it was off to my friend Mr. Google to find some new recipes...

I picked this on Saturday alone!

This recipe from Southern Living caught my eye..I wanted some recipes that I could use freshly cut up tomatoes in vs. cooking them down to make a sauce etc. This was relatively easy to make and I love using fresh seasonal things like corn and scallions. I initially thought that recipes from Southern Living would involve deep frying my tomatoes..but was pleasantly surprised to see that this wasn't that bad nutrition wise!

Here's what dinner..aka Tortellini with fresh tomatoes and fresh corn in a lemon parmesan vinaigrette looked like last night...

Tortellini with Fresh Tomatoes and Corn
from Southern Living

Two 9oz packages of refrigerated tortellini
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
3 Tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice (juice of 1 lemon)
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups of any type of tomatoes, chopped
1 cup fresh corn kernels
1/2 cup sliced scallions
1/2 cup coarsely chopped basil
salt and pepper to taste

Cook tortellini according to package directions. In a food processor, pulse together olive oil, cheese, lemon juice, garlic, Worcestershire, and salt. . Toss vinaigrette with tomatoes, corn, scallions. Once tortellini is done, drain and add to the mixture. Top with chopped basil and season, if necessary, with salt and pepper.

Some other recipes I love for this time of year....

Fresh Tomatoe Sauce by Smitten Kitchen. Super easy and a nice chunky sauce that I make every year.

Cherry Tomato and Basil Pasta from Food Network's Elie easy to make and a great way to use up cherry tomatoes!


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