Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vacation. It always seems to fly by. I love the anticipation of a trip to somewhere new, but I also love the ones where you go back to the same place over and over again and have the little things that you absolutely love to do. This vacation was one of those. It was a little bittersweet when we thought that this is the last time we'll be on vacation where it's just the two of us with no baby in tow. But, with all the excitement of a little baby joining us soon, all we could really think about is the fun we'll have next summer when she comes along. Mr. Allan and I have been going to Martha's Vineyard almost every single summer since we've met. The trip has maybe changed a little in where we stay and who we go with, but every summer we go and have our little traditions of what to see, where to go and what to eat. I cherish this trip and look forward to it so much because it's something we've shared together all these years and we know we'll share with our little family as it begins to grow.

Some of my favorite things....taking that refreshing shower after a long day at the beach when you drive home full of sand and sunblock, eating Mad Martha's ice cream as many times as I can fit into a week, sunset fresh seafood dinners on the beach in Menemsha, breakfast on the porch of the Chilmark General Store, the annual trip to Chilmark Chocolates and the feat that goes into not letting them melt and not eating them all on the ride home, watching everyone jump off the bridge at State Beach, walking the beach at Moshup beach, and I could go on and on. Hands down my absolute favorite times of this particular trip..spending an uninterrupted week with Mr. work, no travel, no everyday distractions and this year..having my sisters and company in tow as well.

Here are some pics (courtesy my sis) to share so you can see why we love it so much

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to tell the Allans are getting ready for vacation

when my labor of love project for the husband while he's away on business this week includes...

cutting over 200 pieces of yellow yarn...

so he makes the sexiest Viking on Martha's Vineyard

We're gearing up for a week away on Martha's Vineyard with 30 or so of our annual trip that I've taken with Mr. Allan almost every year since I've met him. I'm excited to include some new people this year and not so excited that I can't consume lots of alcoholic beverages on the beach this year...this little girl better be a cutie worth all these sacrifices :)