Organization..something I'm not too good at. I feel like I have little piles of things all over the house that, may, at first glance, look messy..but they're organized into my own personal chaotic way where I can usually find what I need. I always feel like getting organized is right up there with eating healthy and losing weight on the New Year's Resolution list. So, I decided to really stick with it and get organized. I'm a little late with my New Year's Resolution, but with spring in the air, I figured, no time is better than now!
So where do you's a great blog..why, it's all about Organizing of course!!!
Jen, of the I Heart Organzing blog, has an April Challenge...30 Things in 30 days. A purging project over the month of April to help you declutter!
here's the schedule folks!

so why purge? ...mostly because you probably need a good cleaning. It doesn't mean you have to throw stuff can donate to goodwill, sell it on ebay, or have a good old fashioned yard sale. We have the rule in our house..if you haven't worn or used it in a're probably over it and pass it on!
So..challenge yourself! This week it's time to clear out your entry/living room. I know, for me, I have baskets of magazines I need to go through. I discreetly store them in baskets under my coffee's my dirty little secret..I'm addicted to magazines! I think my highest total at one time was something crazy like 19..hey, it's cheaper to subscribe than to buy it at the store! So, there's no question where I'll start!
I Heart Organizing is full of great tips, ideas and projects!
So..challenge yourself! This week it's time to clear out your entry/living room. I know, for me, I have baskets of magazines I need to go through. I discreetly store them in baskets under my coffee's my dirty little secret..I'm addicted to magazines! I think my highest total at one time was something crazy like 19..hey, it's cheaper to subscribe than to buy it at the store! So, there's no question where I'll start!
I Heart Organizing is full of great tips, ideas and projects!
I'm doing this too! Already cleared out a bunch of stuff from my closet! Love that blog and all her smart ideas!